stm32l151c8t6 usb disk
hello, Could stm32l151c8t6 chip make a usb disk, and output a pdf file?in cubemx, i see a fatfs user define, but dont understand it
hello, Could stm32l151c8t6 chip make a usb disk, and output a pdf file?in cubemx, i see a fatfs user define, but dont understand it
Hi, I have a Nucleo-F746ZG development board and I'm trying to get LwIP and FreeRTOS going on it but when I use CMSIS V2 it constantly goes into hard fault. If I use CMSIS V1 everything is fine. Any ideas what parameter in the RTOS config could be ca...
I enable freeRTOS (CMSIS_v2) middleware , trying to play around with threads. One of the thread has simple UART transmit function sending some sample message. As soon as the debugger reaches UART_Transmit functions it goes to HardFaultHandler and thr...
I am trying to read bin file from SD card and writing into flash memory . and trying to jump the application location.My observation :It is successfully writing into Flash memory.May be it is stuck with SDIO irq.Please can you suggest me, what could ...
for the function HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_DMA, It says in the documentation that it is non-blocking, in that case in slave mode would that mean it won't start until the master started the spi clock? Thanks
Hi, allI just got to learn to use stm32 and got a STM32h747-DISCO kitThere is no Examples of Lwip, so I build a project with cubeMXAnd it run in infinite_loop in LAN8742_Init, /* Get the device address from special mode register */ for(add...
Are there any examples that can help in NUCLEO-H743ZI communication with PC. i don't have a lot of experience with serial communication. any example code that helps in communication of USB-HS or USB-FS with PC.
haven't run up USB Host before. is there no examples for the H series ?attached the touch screen,Using the Cube C:\Users\DAVE\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0I am getting to Application Start, just not sure what to do at that point.from th...
I tried to use USART3. After few RX/TX messages the port is locked. It stay always into interrupt routine. Only the RX/TX interrupts are handled (activated). Ther is somebody with the similar situation? Thanks.