STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Using USB Vendor ID from ST

Hello together,We planned to use for our product the following MCU: STM32L4A6RG.So is it possible to use the USB Vendor ID from ST if I implement in the Firmware a Virtual COM Port over USB interface? I know that I can use the USB VID for evaluation ...

DMark by Associate II
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Azure FOTA on STM32L475

Dear friends,I am facing one issue with FOTA on Azure platform.We are trying with evaluation kit (B-L475-IOT01A2)The errors seen are Download FOTA from: HostName=[] Type=[Secure] port=[443] File=[/firmware-nucleo/Azur...

Raju1 by Associate
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U(S)ART ORE hits again, STM32H7

Have read about the ORE interrupt problem on STM32F7.On STM32H7 it looks like the overflow condition prevents setting RNE flag, even in polling mode, without any involvement of interrupts.With the current H7 HAL driver v 1.5.0, it is very simple: cal...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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HAL CubeMX I2C slave NACK problem (STM32F446)

Technical environment :-       Master : CM3 (Raspberry)-       Slave : STM32F446-       CubeMX : V4.23 (even tested with V4.26.1)-       Normal transaction is : MASTER do a 4 bytes WRITE, then a 1 byte WRITE and at last, a 4 bytes READ.The slave ACKe...

YBOUR by Associate II
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