STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F407 USB related questions

Hi! I have several questions regarding standard USB host implementation.1) Host mode: File "stm32f4xx_ll_usb.c", function "USB_HC_StartXfer" there is a piece of codeif (dma == 0U) /* Slave mode */ { if ((hc->ep_is_in == 0U) && (hc->xfer_len > 0...

VYare by Associate II
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Problems with STM32L552CCU USB-VCP

I'm unable to get the USB peripheral to work on this chip. For some reason even the USB_FS_IRQn won't fire. This chip has no external vbus detection or VDDUSB. I checked PWR CR2 USV is 1 and I can have the host detect the device by controlling the us...

VBarn by Associate
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Updating STM32L4R5 System Bootloader

In device's errata sheet , we've found a statement 2.2.13 which says that MCUs with system bootloader V9.2 is not functional .But MCUs with system bootloader V9.5(date code after W05 2020) is functional.As of today ,for R&D purposes , we have 15 cust...

MichaelN by Associate
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Resolved! STM32CubeH7 MCU Package - where is version 1.8?

It looks like ST is changing the Cube MCU packages. Up to version H7_1.7.0 the old-style huge packages can be found on github ( But HAL drivers since v 1.8.0 are in a separate repository (ht...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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Hello i have stm32f429I disc and i have a code which uses usb user connection.up to now i could use it but now I can't and doesnt seen in com ports

(there was a failure while reading analog voltage from a pin board is shut down and pluged out the ST-link connection.10s of secs it wouldnt boot and after a waiting and plug the power it booted and i can program it without any problem but). when i c...

AVara.1 by Associate
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