How to store data in memory after power off?
How to store data in memory after power off?
Sorry about my English.I am doing a project, where, since I put the CMSISv1, the FATFS is freezing. Before I put FreeRtos, the FATFS work very fine, but now, its freezing. I a using debug, i see that, if using rtos, the fatfs forces the lock file, an...
Hello,I use:CubeIDE 1.3.0STM32Cube_FW_F4_1.25.0STM32F413CHUI want to use DMA on UART5 on this uC but generated code (from CubeIDE) does not compile.Channel used by this UART is DMA1->Stream7->Channel8I use LL, not HAL for UART.Into MX_UART5_Init func...
I am having difficulty implementing a snmp agent.The snmpget reading mode is OK.snmpget -v1 -c public . = INTEGER: 2but I can't write to a variable using snmpsetsnmpset -v1 -c public 10....
Hello,I use HAL_SAI_Transmit() to play wav file from external flash. Music sounds correct when the wav file is 16 bits audio but there is a lot of noise when I play 32 bits audio. I have of course checked 10 times that the bytes order and the samp...
Hi there, I'm a French engineering student, and we were given a project by a company. For this work, we were told to work with stm32, and we choose to work with STM32f769i-Disco, because it had a lot of features we needed. Our project is based on Tou...
I wanted to compile all the HAL library sources so that I could make a one archive of all the files. I found this as this project which build HAL sources for F4 series (but the version of the HAL code is much old) I tried to generate HAL code from cu...
I am trying to execute the very simple example that came with the board, publishing sensor data on AWS.Here are the videos that shows the example I'm talking about:1) have failed to connect...