STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32H7 swap problem

I am facing difficulty in making bank swapping example code to work, provided in STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.8.0. I had tried the following optionsI had flashed the "FLASH_SwapBank_Bank1.bin" and "FLASH_SwapBank_Bank2.bin" file onto the respective banks and o...

Sridhar by Associate II
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Flashing code using USB

​Hi, i have developed 60 electronic card using an STM32F205RCTx.On 40 card flashing the code using USB was possible(STM32 cube programmer detect USB) but on the 20 card STM32 cube programer do not detect USB and the PC show me the msg"unknown periphe...

SAbir.1 by Associate
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