STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32H7 can't create second FreeRTOS task.

Hi,I'm using STM32H745 and CM4 core runs with RTOS. I am not able to create the second task because xtaskcreate() does not return pdPASS. It seems like it can't allocate enough memory. I tried to create 2 tasks with stack depth equal to 1024. If I re...

Frak.1 by Associate II
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program STM32f103c8t6 with USB cable

hi thereI just bought a stm32f103c8t6 bluepill board. I was wondering if I can load the codes using the USB port. I watched this video I want to use Keil for loading...

Ala by Senior
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Ethernet configuration of MAC address

Hi everyone,I'm configuring the Ethernet MAC address over CubeMX for a NUCLEO-F746ZG target. Default address is 00-80-e1-00-00-00 which identifies ST manufacturers.I was wondering if I can freely manipulate the other 24 bits for an industrial purpos...

Nadreoh by Associate II
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