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Hello everyone !I am converting one of the my projects from F0 to G0. While debugging, when i come to HAL_FLASHEx_Erase line, it jumps to HardFault. I checked the memory, flash address is empty. I don't erase the program. Here is the some picture dur...
Hi,I am running Capture Mode at TIM2 channel 1. My CubeMx configuration below. I am getting CCR1 value correctly but i checked at debugger mode, CCR2 value is always 0. Thus i can't measure duty. What's the problem ?
Hello everyone,I write HAL_Delay(1000) or HAL_Delay(5000) on my code but it delays it by half. I checked SystickTimer it works fine. But HAL_Delay function gives me half delay time. I created another project with same board, same Cubemx features , it...
I am trying USART communication with using DMA. Code written with HAL library is working on STM32F0 but it doesn't work on L0. I am getting irrelevant data at terminal.Also HAL_UARTEx_RxEventCallback function can called on F0 but not on L0.Here is t...