STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32L451 DMA and request on same channel?

Hello,I am running FreeRTOS Multitasks application. Actually, I am using the DMA1 channel 4 and 5 for SPI transfer and request #1.Now, I wonder if I can run in parallel USART DMA using the same channels (4 and 5) but they are linked to another req...

CGren.1 by Associate II
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question about the ADC operation.

1. How can I selectively read only one channel when using multiple ADC channels in each of the ADC interrupt mode and ADC DMA mode?(If you use HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, ADCvalue, 2), you can read each channel from ADCvalue[0] and ADCvalue[1]. I want ...

HAPPYDAY by Associate II
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P-L496G-CELL02: Unable to setup eSIM

Hello,I am currently trying to run the X-CUBE-CELLULAR demonstration project as per the Getting Started Guide (UM2567). and "How to enable SIM MFF2 connectivity with P-L496G-CELL02.txt"I've have been unable to retrieve the BIC from the BG96 with the ...

AGiml by Associate
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both of stm32h743's usb host support dma?

hiOn stm32h743, usb hs1 with external phy works perfectly well in dma mode. Its perfoamance and reliability is very good.But usb hs2 with internal phy not work in dma mode. If I disabled dma mode, it works but not reliable. It's internl fifo sometime...

shark by Senior
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AzureRTOS for STM32H753ZI poor code quality

Hi,I tried to make a Azure RTOS ThreadX project but i saw very poor code quality which makes me unsure if I made the right decision.In the file tx_api.h there are alot of for example following declaration:#define tx_thread_create(t,n,e,i,s,l,p,r,c,a)...

Osto by Senior
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