Hello,I am trying to write data in .txt file on a USB pendrive at a certain frequency (in the while 1 loop) using STM32L496ZG as the USB host in the Mass Storage Class (MSC) configuration.I succeded writing to the .txt file in the first iteration, b...
Is there a way to use the HAL library to read the variable specified in the address?
Hello STM32-community,I'm struggling with the USB-connection via hTerm of my STM32. I'm trying to send a few bytes via USB, receiving them with the tool hTerm, but it cannot even connect to the Microcontroller. Terminal20141030 works just fine, whil...
Hi,it seems that the current STM32F4 HAL manual (UM1725, rev.6) is incomplete regarding the U(S)ART drivers, especially for the extension drivers: according to the source code (FW 1.26), there are UART extensions for receiving with idle line detectio...
Hey,I'm programming with the STM32F415 MCU and discovered that the FLASH_CR_ERRIE declaration is missing in the CMSIS files. Is this a known issue or even intended?If it is not intended, I assume I can safely add the missing declaration? (I never had...
In another project I have used USB with HAL library in same MCU (STM32F429) without RTOS and it worked, now I am having problem in read and write USB with FREERTOS. Can you suggest any project example for the same?
I am working with demo board STM32G474E-EVAL and try to run example project in which board works in Source mode.When I connect the power bank (HyperJuice Power Bank 130W USB-C) to the USB-C, the board starts constantly sending messages about its capa...
Hi there,(I'm posting this mainly not as a question, because I know the answer, but as an answer for other people to find, because I spent quite a long time trying to figure this out.)I've recently started with a project that uses the Nucleo-L552ZE-Q...