STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Nucleo-F303 blink example

When I first powered up my board it ran a program that would flash the red, green, and blue LEDs at different rates upon a button press.I would like to examine the source but I cannot find it in the CubeF3 projects. Is it there? I thought it would be...

John Hite by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL and LL commands

ST has a shipload of documents but I am not finding what I want.Is there a document with HALL/LL commands/syntax? If so, maybe I am not searching properly. How did you find it?JH

John Hite by Associate III
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Example for Usb Host Msc

Hello,I am having stm32f072RB discovery board,I create & save some event log in micro controller ,Here i want to download the log to usb stick (Flash Drive) through usb bus feature,The log format is (.txt) (saved data from NOR flash ic)Micro controll...

Ss.61 by Associate III
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Resolved! SNTP+LWIP based (clock) on stm32f4

Hello,I am using stm32f407VG Controller,In Ethernet communication Through LWIP+SNTP I want to achieve (SNTP clock),My Controller act as client (SNTP Clock client)In cubemx i cant find any source files related to sntp generated once after i choose SNT...

Ss.61 by Associate III
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Resolved! How to patch STM32CubeF3?

I just received a Nucleo-F303ZE aka Nucleo-144. As the product suggested I download STM32CubeF3. There was also a large patch directory download. How is the patch to be applied? I am assuming I should copy the files and force overwrites.Thank you,Joh...

John Hite by Associate III
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STM32H7 Ethernet - RX frame filtering issue

Hello,As part of my internship, I have to develop a custom driver for the STM32H7's ETH interface. My company is aware that one already exists within the STM32Cube package, but they specifically want me to write my own.My issue is that the interface ...

LDroz.2 by Associate II
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How do I correctly close and reopen a socket in X-CUBE-CELLULAR 6.01? After the remote server closes my socket connection, a new socket fails to reconnect.

Using B-L462E-CELL1 with  X-CUBE-CELLULAR 6.01 and I have adapted one of the cellular apps using cellular_app_socket_obtain() to connect, and cellular_app_socket_close() to close a socket. The server connection initially succeeds, but after the re...

JVand.12 by Associate II
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Resolved! Priorities on STM32 (USB, SD, EXTI...)

Hi,please help me figure out priorities in my project.So, I'm using:SDIO 4 bit + DMAUSB Composite Device = CDC + MSC with VBUS detection on PA9 pin.I configured PA9 as EXTI on Rising/Falling edge. For now i just want to light a diode when USB conecti...

bmak by Senior
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