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I am working on following platform:Hardware - STM32H745I-DISCO board.IDE - STM32CubeIDE v1.8.0.I am using JTAG mode in ST-link for debugging. I am using external QSPI flash to store my code and external SDRAM to run the code. The code first goes in b...
I am working on following platform:Hardware - STM32H745I-DISCO board.IDE - STM32CubeIDE v1.10.1.STM32CubeMX v6.6.1-RC2.Embedded MCU package for STM32H7 v1.10.0.I am using SWD mode in Segger J-link for debugging. I am getting error "Could not verify S...
I am using STM32H745I-DISCO board and STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0. I am presently using on board ST-Link in SWD to program and debug the MCU. Now I want to use JTAG debugging using J-Link.What changes need to be done to make my project compatible to JTAG debu...
I am working on STM32H745 discovery board. I have the following peripherals configured on both cores-Cortex M4- FreertosCortex M7- Freertos, Ethernet, LWIP, USART, QSPI, SDRAM.In M4 core there is a default task in which LED is blinking. When I enable...
Ethernet not working with external SDRAM?1. I am working on STM32H745i-DISCO board. I am using LWIP stack and internal flash and internal SRAM in MCU.I configured the ethernet by following the below steps in stm32cube:a. Ethernet Configuration-Ethern...