I purchased a NUCLEO-G071RB and X-NUCLEO-USBPDM1 to development of my project.Then I wrote a sample program according to application note AN5418, but it doesn't recognize it as a connectable port to the UCPD monitor.Is it related to HWBoardVersionN...
When configuring a network interface, there is usually a hard coded MAC address somewhere in a config file, which is used to setup the interface.In production this address needs to be unique (purchased). For example in some stm32f4 mcus, there is a s...
I have LwIP running on STM32+Cellular modem. The network is fine for IPV4. Now I am enabling IPV6.I can see my IPV6 address assigned with my IPV4.However, when I use lwip_getaddrinfo to have DNS query, but lwip_getaddrinfo return failed.Any hints are...
Hi All,You may encounter some LwIP compilation errors/warnings when enabling IPv6 feature due to compiler packing management implemented in the system\arch include files1. EWARM warnings:Warning[Pa039]: use of address of unaligned structure member \M...
Hi,I use the stm32f446re with the cubeIDE and would like to use FFT's with 16 bit float (arm_rfft_fast_f16) like in the CMSIS DSP 5.8.0.The older CMSIS library works fine with the other data types but i cant get the new (DSP 1.9.0) to work. I tried d...
Probably elementary stuff, but am brand new to ARM and STM32. I'm using a USB stack libusb_stm32 for learning. In this stack, when data arrives from the host PC, a callback in the USB ISR runs a function of mine to put the data into my queue. In this...
I'm connecting to a nucleo144 through configured pins and i2c connection a melexis 90640 (thermal scanner) I initially tried through Hal functions to call the device on the default address I had from the datasheet (0x33) but did not find it so I solv...
Hello,I've made several bootloader in the past without so much problem in the past with F2, F4, F7, but this time, I have some serious troubles with a STM32H743BI :)The bootloader (using the first sector, 128kb) reads a bin file from the SD card and ...
I am using STM32F722ZE MCU. I am successfully implemented micro SD FATFS USB Full Speed MSC.The problem is every time I plug the board to PC, it took so long, up to 40 seconds, for the USB enumeration to be completed.Can anyone help me to point out ...