STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Hello, I try to implement a dual cdc with two virtual port com on USB_FS and HS. Receives callbacks works well on both VCP but only transmit on the first VCP works. When I try to send data from the STM32 to the second VCP, nothing append.

OTG_FS_IRQHandler is endlessly called"signal handler called>() at 0xffffffe9"I have already increase the heap and stack size to 0x2000. I use the STM32H753i-EVAL2 board

JHAPP.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to delete local host keys in ST-SAFE-A110?

Hi.Im working with ST-SAFE-A110 together with STM32CubeExpansion_STSAFE-A_V1.2.0 in a STM32_L4.Im trying to change my local host keys after being populated. I can wrap/unwarp without any problems but I don't know how to erase and regenerate the keys....

PLori.1 by Associate
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STM32H757 - Start up issue and sync

I am working with the STM32H757 on a custom board.The M7 runs with FreeRTOS, the M4 is bare metal. Both cores have output GPIOs connecteed to LEDs which allow me to make sure that both of the cores are up and running.At the begining of the code for ...

yuri CH by Senior
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MQTT broker running on STM32F7

Hi everyone,I need to run a MQTT broker on my board powered by a STM32F746. I managed to get the LwIP stack running properly as a starting point. I verified this by sending and receiving topics with the provided MQTT client implementation of LwIP.LwI...

CA_SUS by Associate II
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Hi everyone,​I am using X-CUBE-CELLULAR v6.0 and would like to use DMA on UART to replace the original interrupt receiving method. ​The original method is calling IPC_RXFIFO_writeCharacter() in HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback() and notify upper layer when an...

SL61 by Associate II
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