STM32F407IGH + USB3343 not working on HS
I have a USB3343 connected to the STM32F407IGH, but it is not operating at USB High Speed.It works with USB Full Speed.Please advise us about the cause.
I have a USB3343 connected to the STM32F407IGH, but it is not operating at USB High Speed.It works with USB Full Speed.Please advise us about the cause.
Posted on August 09, 2012 at 12:43HiI have a problem with STM32F207/407 (not) working with a ULPI PHY, in this caseSMSC USB3340. The system (which is device-only) will work at USB full-speed but not high-speed. Itseems that others have similar probl...
Hi,As described in these theads (link1 link2), there is a problem in using USB3343 USB HS PHY. I want to use this phy with STM32H743 MCU, but Setting Transceiver Delay (XCVRDLY), did not help. I have generated a CDC example by CubeMXUSBx_DEVICE->DCFG...
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