STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32H7 Ethernet Not Working

Hi There,I am trying to run the ethernet example from the 1.7.0 version of the STM32H7 firmware at STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0\Projects\NUCLEO-H743ZI\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTOS.The only modifications I have performed from the provided...

PMart.1 by Associate III
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I ported an application from STM32L496RG to L4Q5. Most of application is working except the ADC acquisition because of DMA and the new DMAMUX1. I used the LL ST library unfortunately I didn't find any LL example of ADC + DMAMUX. Could you give examples?

ADC in dual mode with sampling frequency of 10.66 MS/s (5.33 per ADC).The System clock is set to 120 MHzThe ADC clock is set to 80MHzThe ADC1 IN8 ext3 is trigged by TIM2 CC2.The ADC data transfet is done though DMA2 CH3

STM32F769i-DISCO Ethernet Speed

Hello,I am using STM32F769i-DISCO board in my project. The project include camera module and I get data from this module using DCMI. I want to send this data to computer via ethernet. For this I need at least 100Mbits/s ethernet speed. But I cant f...

Baris by Associate
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STM32H747 USB CDC device not detected

I have an STM32H747I-DISCO board and try to connect it to a computer as a USB CDC device.I use CubeMX to configure the USB (USB_OTG_FS in Device_Only mode, USB_DEVICE_M7 with CDC class, 48MHz clock for the USB peripheral) but when the generated progr...

gv by Associate
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Resolved! Problem with bootloader flash erase/read.

I am trying to program the FLASH via the bootloader on USART1 of an STM32L431RBT6.I can successfully access the bootloader with boot0=1 and a reset.The bootloader properly acknowledges all the following commands, and returns the correct information:0...

Mmcdo.1 by Associate II
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