My program keeps crashing in my uiTask loop, and I figured out the common denominator is a call to portYIELD_WITHIN_API().Here's the relevant code in main. Obviously there are a lot of calls to classes / structs here that aren't shown, but I've sifte...
1) Right after startup CPU check fails on following code:MRS R0, APSR /* Get Status register */ CMP R0, #0xB8000000 /* Verifies that N=C=V=Q=1 */ BNE.W FailSafePOR /* Fails if Q+N+C=V clear */because APSR register have also...
Hi,I need to connect with AZURE iothub. I'm using SIM7600 for cellular connectivity and STM32F437VIT7 microcontroller. To connect with AZURE I planned to use X-CUBE-AZURE package. This package have ready to run example for STM32L496AGI6 discovery boa...
So, I am trying to use this USB mass storage bootloader: compile .hex files for it, I've already set the flash origin to 0x8004000 and the vector table offset to the same value. I've verified that, ...
Hello,I am working on NUCLEO-H745ZIQ board. In stm32CUBEMX they provide example code for USBX Azure RTOS. In that examples, I am working on UX_Device_CDC_ACM. According to that I configure the all the parameter in cubemx. But I am facing the problems...
I first refer to the x-cube-azrtos-h7 example on STM32 H7 to migrate ThreadX and USBX. CDC HID, including the combination of the two, have been tested, and they all work normally.Then I ported ThreadX and USBX on STM32 F105RBT6. Currently, they can e...
Affected driver library: STM32Cube_FW_U5 v1.0.0 and patch v1.0.2File: stm32u5xx_ll_spi.hFunction affected: LL_SPI_ReceiveData16Bug: Current implementation performs a 32bit access to RXDR register and then casts the result to 16 bits. This leads to un...
Currently there is only:__STATIC_INLINE void LL_ADC_ConfigOverSamplingRatioShift(ADC_TypeDef *ADCx, uint32_t Ratio, uint32_t Shift){ MODIFY_REG(ADCx->CFGR2, (ADC_CFGR2_OVSS | ADC_CFGR2_OVSR), (Shift | (((Ratio - 1UL) << ADC_CFGR2_OVSR_Pos))));}which...