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How to combine HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA with arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32? Due to data Receive as uint16_t but the arm filter input is float32_t.

Associate II

Convert the content of the array, or create an equivalent function which casts and scales the number space appropriately..

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Associate II

Finally, it was worked but failed in arm_rfft_fast_f32. The problem is migrated as how to do in arm_rfft_fast_f32?

Thanks a lot. I almost follow your instruction to do and it worked but could not go through arm_rfft_fast_f32. Could you solve that?

Chief II

This has nothing to do with STM32 and is just a lack of basic C programming skills. Anyway the answer is - convert the data to the necessary data type and range!