STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Rarely, USB does not work properly, and in parallel with USB malfunction, there are problems with data integration on the USART1 channel.

The above problems occur only with SOF packages with voltage distortion on USB lines: see oscillations on "USB signal with SOF" vs "USB signal with no SOF" when there is no oscillation and no problems indicated.USBOscillations occur on SOF packages, ...

BNowa.1 by Associate
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Resolved! About GPIO

I am using a nucleo l4r5zi.​I would like to use the GPIOs on this board as inputs and get the value of those inputs from software.Specifically, I would like to use PG2 to accomplish this.​I have the following setup and am inputting 3.3v into PG2, but...

Myasu.1 by Senior
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STM32F767ZI + FreeRTOS SysTick HardFault

Hey! I'm not that experienced wit FreeRtos and i am facing a HardFault problem. I want to use FreeRtos and created some tasks. But when the Systick Handler is called for the first time, it causes an Hardfaul Exeption. The Program Counter points to th...

MKuhl.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! ULPI on the STM32H7B0 using USB3300

I had success when using the ULPI interface on a STM32H7A3 (on the nucleo board) using an external ULPI transceiver board when porting over to the STM32H7B0, I am not having much success. I believ...