User Activity

Is it OK to call one of the app()->gotoXYZScreenoTransition() functions from inside the Model tick()?The reason I'm asking is that I just got a weird exception on this code that is inside Model tick():case (newData){    if (modelListener != 0)    {  ...
I'm porting a QSPI bootloader over from a design that 1 flash chip to 2 flash chips in parallel (10 bit mode, common CS).  I am not sure how the addressing works now that there are 2 chips in parallel.  I feel like the only thing STM32 says on the ma...
I have some re-used and portable code that uses <assert.h> and assert().Is there a way I can easily map assert() to the assert_param() used by CubeMX?Seems so simple but it is giving me a hard time, and I don't see anything available online about thi...
This is weird.  Also it was working at one point and stopped working, can't track down the code change that broke this. So, I use HAL_UART_Receive_DMA() to start a DMA RX.  I can use _HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER() to check how many characters have been recei...
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