Resolved! Use STM32F411 uart bootloader.
UART2 bootloader is not work.Should I flash a bootloader program to enable usart2 booloader.Which uart has default bootloader program.
UART2 bootloader is not work.Should I flash a bootloader program to enable usart2 booloader.Which uart has default bootloader program.
To know how much of stack is consumed,by my code and if i make any changes in my code how much of memory do i need ?and here in the figure we are not able to view the below listed content and also let us know how to enable the ThreadX list.
Hi!Problem:I found a bug when I enabling the ETH perpherial in the STM32F407 processor. The error is a DMA bus error.What's happening:It occurs when the ethernet PHY recieve a message from my router.How to produce the error:I do the following steps t...
Hi,Recently I have been trying to implement an example from ST where data is sent telemetry to Azure. The problem is that Stm32CubeIDE did not generate Netxduo / addons / azure_iot. I am trying to manually add this folder but there are a lot of error...
Hi I'm using STM32H750VB to read an external ADC using SPI and triggerred by an external interrunpt pin. The interval of reading is 1ms. I send a event in gpio interrupt and read data in a thread. The application run as my expect in starting. But ...
I want to enable trim support that is baked into FatFs, however the SD_ioctl function provided by ST does not include many of the FatFs commands, only what is listed below. Has anyone implemented this before? I plan on doing data logging on a micro...
I'm currently implementing USB communication on the STM32F072R8T6 microcontroller with "Custom HID" class. I'm having problems receiving data from the Host (PC) in the function below. The following happens: I can receive up to 2 data packets from the...
Hello, I was wondering how to implement a SNTP Client. I am using the STM32H745I board and I am able to ping through Ethernet, without OS. From what I have understood so far, I am supposed to redefine a macro called SNTP_SET_SERVER_TIME. Am I suppose...
Hi, I need exchange data between MCU and PC via eMMC using USB MSC and USER FATFS. My problem: If MCU updates files, or create new file, Windows file explorer does not show updated or created new file from MCU (No refresh automatically). After reconn...