Has the HAL library of STM32 been validated by the medical system,such as IEC 62304
Has the HAL library of STM32 been validated by the medical system,such as IEC 62304
Has the HAL library of STM32 been validated by the medical system,such as IEC 62304
We are working on Redesign activity of a PLC System; In that we have to Replace Micro controller. Could you please suggest a Low-cost and Sil2 Certified 8,32-bit Micro controller .Requirement:1.SIL2 Certified controller2.48 or More Pin's, SPI Interfa...
Hi,I'm evaluating the WIFI/BLE module 1LV by Murata with a STM32H747-Dicovery board and Murata adapter as reported in the PDF file in https://github.com/Infineon/stm32-connectivity/tree/master/DocumentationThe connection works fine (wifi scan OK and ...
I used the program here https://github.com/stm32-hotspot/STM32H7-LwIP-Examples.However, after I downloaded the program to the STM32H747-Disco development board, the network could not ping through and the target host could not be accessed.May I ask wh...
I have written a program for write a data in SD card and after that read it. but in my program F_open function returns Fr_DISK_ERROR error and jumps outside the loop and terminates the execution whereas i have declared and defined all the necessary ...
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add 3 IAD class here // this one is for COM port 3 0x08, // bLength: Interface Descriptor size 0x0B, // bDescriptorType: IAD 0x04, // bFirstInterface 0x03, // bInterfaceCount 0x02, // bFun...
I have followed the "https://controllerstech.com/stm32-ethernet-6-http-webserver-simple/" tutorial and have set up some parts on https://github.com/stm32-hotspot/STM32H7-LwIP-Examples for STM32H750B-DK and it works once on WEB SERVER not used FREERTO...
We have interfaced CS5532 using SPI which is initialized in continuous conversion mode. We read the ADC count in a task being called every 160 ms. When I add following statements in the task, the ADC count read from CS5532 becomes constant.sprintf(De...