STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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M4 core heap issue on STM32H745.

I am working on STM32H745 discovery board. I have the following peripherals configured on both cores-Cortex M4- FreertosCortex M7- Freertos, Ethernet, LWIP, USART, QSPI, SDRAM.In M4 core there is a default task in which LED is blinking. When I enable...

Akast.2 by Associate II
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Error in 'en.stsw-stm32156' - AN4457 ?

Hello,can someone confirm that line 890 /* Disable External interrupt for next Frame */ EXTI->IMR &= ~EXTI_EMR_MR3;is not correct in 'stm32f4xx_hal_uart_emul.c'?Everywhere else it is written something like this EXTI->IMR |= huart_emul->Init....

SMauch by Associate
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How to do authorization on STM32 and LWIP?

I want to implement authorization on STM32 and LWIP.I took this example it doesn't work. Session.html is available without authorizationWhat could b...

DK.7 by Senior
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