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I'm trying to use the Azure FileX with the LevelX NOR OSPI driver to access a QSPI memory.  I'm using an STM32H723 processor an OctoSPI peripheral to try to interface to a Winbond W25Q128JV QSPI NOR memory. Part of my struggle is there are examples o...
I generated an Azure RTOS project with the FileX option with RAM disk simulator enabled.  This was on a Nucleo-H723 board.  I used STM32CubeMX 6.9.2-RC4. It was X-CUBE-AZRTOS-H7 v 3.2.0.The problem is the 'SRAM Disk Driver' option for the 'SRAM Disk ...
I want to solicit the advice of those more experienced with the STM32 processors. I'm experienced in general with embedded software and peripherals such as SPI but only about 6 months in on the STM32 processors and only in the last few weeks have I b...
This behavior seems like a bug.I’m using USBX CDC ACM on a H723 nucleo board. I’m trying to work with the blocking nature of the ux_device_class_cdc_acm_read. For my application, I would like to get data as soon as up to 256 characters are received b...
I have spent over a week trying to get the USBX CDC ACM virtual com port to work on a STM32F7 family nucleo-144 board. I'm using an STM32F767 as a representative processor. I've tried multiple examples and approaches with no success.  The device enum...