I have the Keyboard working, but when a usb hub is installed the keyboard is not visible does anyone have some clues to get a usb hub working ?
Hi, I've got a Nucleo F303ze and I'm trying to send and receive data via USB without the ST-Link, so I'm powering the board with an 9V battery. When I connect the USB in CN13 the LD8 turns on but on my device manager there is no new connection.When I...
Hi, sorry for the blatant title, but in this case it's justified.The RTC functions are not just wrong. They are wrong in such a way that pretends to be good, may pass most of tests, and makes finding what's really going on a lot harder.I am working S...
I have been using a stm32f051 as a slave on i2c1 without any problem. Then I started to use it as a master on i2c2 at the same time. This caused the communication on i2c1 to fail with varying frequency. I have been using the i2c drivers with interru...
Hi everybody,I am working with AZURE RTOS and I have implemented an HTTP web server application. I started from the example available in CubeIDE. Everything is working properly but now I need to modifiy the HTTP web page. For this, it is necessary to...
I have ported the example code over to STM32H743i-Eval and have it compiling OK. But testing is another issue as there is little information to go on for how to set-up a client PC and connect to the ethernet port on the eval board. I am assuming that...
Dear everyone,I'm not able to know is it possible to add an external flash (SPI) to a MCU for saving data (FATFS) AND get the data available on USB Mass Storage.A lot of library exist for SPI flash, the most knowed >"https://github.com/nimaltd/w25qxx...
Hello,I have a board with STM32F407VET microcontroller, W25Q16 and microSD connector.Writing and reading information from W25Q16 without USB works (using library https://github.com/nimaltd/w25qxx).SD card via USB works (I found an example somewhere, ...
I have been trying to debug my custom Azure RTOS NetXDuo application (which is based on the Nx_Tcp_Echo Server example code). My application gets stuck in a loop that it cannot return from after reading the socket_state of an established socket. The ...