STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32 I2C only transmits and receives once

MCU: STM32L476RGT6Hello,I am able to communicate with the MPU6050 via I2C with DMA and read the WHO_AM_I register, but only one transmit and receive transaction occurs even though I put my transmission and receive code in a while loop.When using regu...

HardFault UDP Client

Hi Community, I am using the Nucleo-H723ZG board for data receiving from the camera by utilizing the spi and processing the data then transforming the data through UDP to another program. The program can run for several hours without problem. But the...

LEAMtw by Associate
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Resolved! STM32U5G9J-DK1 SPI

Hello, I'm using a STM32U5GJ-DK1 with the same SPI setup, I can measure the SCK output on SPI2, but I can't do it on SPI3.   *This post has been translated from Chinese to comply with the ST Community guidelines.    

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Implementing FRS on G474

Dear ST Community        I recently purchased two sets of Nucleo-DRP1M1+NucleoG474, and now I want to implement FRS functionality on these two boards. Currently, I have set one of the default power roles to Source, enabled FRS_TX, and the other to Si...

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AgoDream by Associate II
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