declaring variables with ram address
I declared some test variable like,unsigned short *testvar= (unsigned short *)0x20020074;unsigned char *testvar1[4] = {(unsigned char *)0x20020076,(unsigned char *)0x20020077, (unsigned char *)0x200200...
I declared some test variable like,unsigned short *testvar= (unsigned short *)0x20020074;unsigned char *testvar1[4] = {(unsigned char *)0x20020076,(unsigned char *)0x20020077, (unsigned char *)0x200200...
Hi, i am trying to use USB VCP device on STM32F401. Is there a example available for this? Optimally, if it ends with something like the "Hello World" display in the terminal. My goal is to replace FTDI with internal USB in STM.Thanks
Posted on May 21, 2018 at 17:07I want to use the ETH port to communicate with other devices. I started by creating a project in CubeMX for the STM2F769I-Disc board. I simply added the LWIP and the ETH port (as RMII) and set a specific IP address (wh...
Hello, I'm using the Evaluation board B-U585I-IOT02A for the STM32U585, and I'm playing around with the USB communication using the example "Ux_Device_HID_CDC_ACM". However, I'm not sure to fully understand the use of the middleware USBPD, which in m...
B-L4S5I-IOT01 보드를 사용하고 있으며, AWS Iot에 연결하는 과정을 따라하고 있습니다. aws-demo 빌드시 오류가 발생하면 결함을 발견할 수 있는 방법이 도움이 되었습니까? 미리 감사드립니다. > 불러오기 링크 >오류가 발생한 화면 (x-c...
Dear Friends, Edited:I have a bootloader that I made via I2C through the mailbox of an ST25DV04.The bootloader works fine, it is able to save in the flash the whole content of the hex file (valid data).I have added vector table remapping in my "blink...
Alright, so I've been struggling quite a bit for the past week trying to get the X-CUBE-USB-AUDIO project working in STM32CUBEIDE on a STM32H745 MCU and looks like I have more or less everything up and running pretty good, at least in 16 bit mode. Pr...
Hi,I am going to be a part of a firmware development using STM32C0 series. Can I able to use ADC input which is input power supply as EXT Interrupt to wake up from sleep mode?How can be it assigned in ?Please Can anyone give an idea?
Posted on June 26, 2016 at 12:05hii am trying to send integer values from my nucleo board to my pc by using UART, i.e. you can take that sensor values. The UART example ''UART_TwoBoards_ComPolling'' in the stm32Cube that uses HAL libraries, only sen...
Hi, I am new to STM32, I am trying the i2c communication between stm32 and esp32. I am using STM32 as slave and ESP32 as Master. I am using Arduino IDEI connected stm32 PB6-SCL, PB7-SDA to esp32 GPIO21-SDA, GPIO19-SCL.i was not getting any response...