I'm trying to make 2 DRP 100w ports but I can't find many related resources. Can anyone help by providing a sample code or related resources.
I´m trying read bytes from Adafruit I2C Non-Volatile FRAM Breakout module (ic MB85RC256V from FUJITSU) in my STM32F746IG custom board.Using FW 1.16.2, I can read 512 bytes using HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA.Using FW 1.17.0, The I2C stops (clock pin goes down...
I'm using STM32F4xx as a host. The configuration setting for the devices connected with it is done automatically. But in some cases, I need to send this again manually. So what is the function and procedure to configure it?
HiI have a problem where my NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board gets a hard fault if I use sprintf. I reproduced the error by creating a new project based on the sample project "Tx_Thread_Sync". So I am using Threadx.I then added two lines to the app_threadx.c ch...
code generated for stm32l0xx with FAT option ticked, generates following stub, I believe missing the equal sign in if condition:uint8_t FATFS_LinkDriverEx(const Diskio_drvTypeDef *drv, char *path, uint8_t lun){ uint8_t ret = 1; uint8_t DiskNum = 0; i...
I think there is a bug in the function LL_RTC_WaitForSynchro(). It waits for the RTC_ISR_RSF to become 0 (on row 15). I think this is a bug. It should wait for the RTC_ISR_RSF to become 1 as in the old STM32 Standard Peripheral Libraries. My code som...
Hello, I am developing a home appliance application on an MCU STM32G070CB using X-CUBE-CLASSB package and IAR EWARM IDE V8.32.4. I used NUCLEO-G070RB for the early development. The app ran fine until I turned on the SRAM parity check in the options b...
Hi, I am experimenting with sending data across queues and noticed that if the queue size is just one deep I would expect a second attempt to add to the queue to wait until the corresponding receive function is called.However after a first call to tx...