STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Custom bootloader STM32G051

Hi,I want to make custom bootloader on STM32G051. I did something, but it does not work well. After jump to the application it get stucked on some address which correspond HAL_Delay function in my application - it looks like the Systick in my app can...

JR2963 by Senior II
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Resolved! Issue with USB CDC from Linux VM

I am using a USB CDC device on an STM32H7A3 CPU. Most of the code is generated by the Cube IDE, and I have added my own callbacks. It works fine when plugged into a native Windows host or a native Linux host. However, it has an issue when running on ...

Please advise plans when STM32CUBEIDE / MX F4 will be updated to lwIP 2.1.3 It's nearly a year ago to within a week that lwIP 2.1.3 was released. Even better, when will you update to the nearly released lwIP 2.2.0?

Below Quoted from: lwIP - A Lightweight TCP/IP stack - Summary [Savannah] ( 2.1.3 released     posted by goldsimon, Wed 10 Nov 2021 06:52:43 PM UTC - 0 replieslwIP 2.1.3 is now available from the lwIP download areaor via git (using the...