It may be the issue with include paths, not sure!
Once again.....trying to implement an Azure RTOS NX TCP Server application on the F7 Nucleo board (since H7 processors will not be available any time soon). I ran into a hard fault at the HAL_GetTick instruction below: /*----------------------------...
Hi Team,there is requirement that my board has to receive 256 bytes of data. but according to USB spec there is limit of 64 bytes, I am looking for solution/example how to handle more than 64 bytes through USB.
I am attempting to use TraceX in my NetXDuo application. But when I enable TraceX in the Software Packs of CubeIDE (TX_ENABLE_EVENT_TRACE) I get compiler errors in all of the calls to save a tracex event. The macros that defines the calls to tracex s...
Hi.I am using a STM32H747BIT MCU with Nor Flash (MT25QL512)Reading and writing Nor flash by setting in the IOC file was successful.I want to set up a file system(FATFS) on Nor flash.There is a library of FATFS in IOC.So I want to use this.Is there...
Hello,we use wizznet w5500 along with STM32F401RETx in one of our products.This microcontroller doesn’t have Ethernet MAC peripheral.We want to implement secure ssl server on this setup.I have done a research which took me few days, but still I’m bit...
Dear ST HelloI am using timer 6 to calculate the time for timer interrupt triggering,I am using the example for the board from the cube BSP folder,\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.27.1\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Examples\BSP\SW4STM32\STM32...
I am looking for an interrupt based replacement for HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady. I am implementing a EEPROM library for M24256 I2C Serial EEPROM in a FreeRTOS application. The call HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady relies on polling for many milliseconds to perform ...