STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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stm32f103vgt6 flash issue

I am currently using the STM32F103VGT6 MCU controller, which has an internal flash 1MB divided into two banks, each with a size of 512KB. I have written a code that is 600KB in size. After writing to the entirety of Bank 1, I attempted to write to Ba...

madhavi U by Associate II
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stm32 RTC Time Setting and Recalling

case 1time_t Timestamp;Timestamp = gettime();uint8_t *data_ptr = &body_q[1];for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {body_q[i] = (Timestamp >> (8 * (4 - i))) & 0xFF;}            break;        case 2:         memset(time_check, 0x0, sizeof(time_check));         ...

ark2 by Associate III
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Logging Library on SDCard with FreeRTOS

Hello,Working on different projects, I would like to implement a library that could either printf/write on FatFS logs, debugs informations, ...I'm wondering if there are any existant library that could do the job. Looking on STM32 references, I have ...

ANauz.1 by Senior II
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Is their any possibilty to use CDC and DFU due to the same USB Port, by switching it by software? And is their any example for it? I tried several things but couldn't find any solution. The configuration at CubeMX Just allows one Class for USB_DEVICE...

Tedico by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 RAM and DMA after bootloader not work

Hi everyone, I have a problem with placing data in RAM from DMA with H7. I have a custom bootloader that then jumps to the application that uses ADC, + DMA, TIM + DMA etc.. I ran the classic __attribute__((section(".D1buffer"),used)) and modified it ...