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Most I2C EEPROM (eg M24M01E) need some time after a write command to transfer the written data into the internal EEPROM. During that time (eg max 3.5 ms) the device does not respond to I2C.My question is about the timeOut parameter in the HAL_I2C_Mem...
For these EEPROMs there is a WP pin, which must be (active) low to enable write operations. I am driving this pin from an MCU, (ie. it is not tied to GND).Also these EEPROMs need some time after a write command to effectively write the data into the ...
I am developing an application on the Seeed Lora-E5 module, which contains an STM32WLE5.Currently I am programming the device via the SWD interface, but for future firmware updates I want to use the UART, (this UART is available externally through a ...
I use STM32CubeIde in a fairly standard way, only that I use C++ source on top of the C HAL code. When inspecting the build with Build Analyzer, I noticed A LOT of code which I think I never included.. (never sure what all the HAL files do..) for exa...
I am doing a LoRaWAN project on the STM32WLE and so I want to power it down in Stop2 mode to lower the power consumption.Using the following code, this works fine : UTILS_ENTER_CRITICAL_SECTION(); ...
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