NUCLEO-U5A5ZJ-Q zephyr board support
Hi all,is there any early zephyr board support for the NUCLEO-U5A5ZJ-Q?Currently that nucleo is not known by zephyr, as far as i see...Thanks
Hi all,is there any early zephyr board support for the NUCLEO-U5A5ZJ-Q?Currently that nucleo is not known by zephyr, as far as i see...Thanks
We noticed that there is a race condition in the function HAL_QSPI_Transmit_DMA in the following code:/* Enable the QSPI transmit MDMA */ if (HAL_MDMA_Start_IT(hqspi->hmdma, (uint32_t)pData, (uint32_t)&hqspi->Instance->DR, hqspi->TxXferSize, 1) == HA...
I am new to the programming of Microprocessors and microcontrollers. I am finding a lot of Software Development Tools (SDTs) from the website link am quite confus...
It might as well be a dumb question, but is it in any way possible to connect and communicate with a Octo SPI slave with the dual Quad-SPI interface available on the STM32H753ZI?Thanks and best!Sam.
I would like to share the result of my efforts to run STM32H723VET6 and DP83848 together. made the following changes in the settings here.Since ...
Hi, I'm having issues getting self-signed certificates to work with NetXDuo Secure.I started with the MQTT Secure Example which uses a certificate and that works fine. However if I try to replace the mosquitto certificate with my own g...
"I am attempting to connect the NUCLEO-H503RB board and program it through the command line on Ubuntu. I have installed the latest STLink driver from GitHub and built it. However, I am encountering an issue where, upon trying to program the flash mem...
I would like to remotely update the firmware of my STM32WLE5. I can transfer new binary file from the server to the STM's SRAM using my custom link only, which means I cannot utilize other native update procedures provided by STM, such as UART. Howev...
Team,i'm trying to store data - by use of HAL lib - during Hardware,Memory.. and so on Fault Interrupt routine. Idea is to write some data at the very end of flash - allowable area. So, the code is tested druing normal operation. However, placed in H...
HiI have a project running for the last 2 years: STM32H7, CubeMX for setup.I have 6 ADC channels on ADC3, running in "Regular, non-continous conversion". This works.But now I want to run the application from the external QSPI FLASH. This works almost...