STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

OTA not able to powerup new firmware image

Hi,I am trying to perform OTA on STM32F413ZT6 using Seirra Wi-Fi module. The Sierra and MCU communicate over UART. Here the binary is downloaded by the WI-Fi from a server, further, it will send the binary to the MCU. The STM is responsible for writi...

saraiahd by Associate II
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Porting mcuboot to stm32 image unset?

Hi I have ported mcuboot to stm32 without os, following the But I'm having problems and some things are not clear to me, hope someone can help me.By following the guide I implemented everything, a...

size.png bootloader2.png
suads by Associate III
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STM32WL55 LoRa Stack issue

Dear All,I am using the STM32WL55 MCU running the LoRa stack in the dual core setup.I am using STM32Cube FW_WL V1.1.0 to build my solution and upgrading to another version of the SDK is not a simple option.The project is meant for the Australian regi...

IAnas1_0-1694073084402.png IAnas1_1-1694073202401.png
IAnas.1 by Associate II
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Menu items are NOT in English language

Hello Forum,I recently downloaded the latest version of STM32CubeIDE v1.13.0. Upon installation, almost all the items are displayed in English language except few items in Menu bar.My system locale is set to English - US. Still, I see some of the men...


Reflashing the bootloader firmware from ST

Hello,I am working with Nucleo-H743ZI2. Using ST Programmer I did full chip erase with Read protection option bytes as CC. Now am getting an error message cannot find STM32 target. I guess I have to reflash my basic firmware packages from ST but I am...

Freshna by Associate
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