STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32U595 USB pins do not work as GPIO

Hello ST experts I found the same problem as previous post  But for stm32u595, I can not find the similar register USB_CNTR...

Yang Yang by Associate II
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Resolved! Power Consumption Measurement

Hello everyone,I need to get some information about the power consumption of the STM32 Nucleo-64 with STM32F401RE MCU.The board is powered from the computer's USB port.The board has a IDD jumper (JP6) for MCU current measurement so I attached a Parks...

Resolved! STM32F0 RTOS create task causing hardfault

This is my main program: int main(void) { HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ TaskHandle_t task1_handler; TaskHandle_t task2_handler; BaseType_t status; /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Confi...

Jemegen by Associate III
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Composite Device problem.

HelloI am working a project that implements CDC_ACM and MSC devices in a composite device.Device Manager displays these as USB Serial Device (Com35 , works) and STM Product USB Device (Mass Storage Device). But Disk Drive does not appear in Explorer ...

lubo by Associate
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Set Pending PendSV

I am trying to fire the PendSV interrupt from within SysTick. I was trying to use HAL_NVIC_SetPending() but discovered that this function ignores interrupt IDs of 0 or less. I am looking for an alternative.

JoeJoe by Associate II
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Resolved! Inefficient BSP LCD code

After poking around a bit more in the STM32CubeIDE code, I'm seeing a pattern of issues that indicate a serious lack of understanding on the part of the authors of the shipping BSP code. This code was written several years ago, but it is the shipping...

bitbank by Associate II
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