STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! COMP triggered ADC too slow

Hi,1. [Part Number] NUCLEO-L432KC2. [Environment] STM32CubeIDE 1.14.13. [Schematics] NA4. [Details] I am trying to measure a fast pulse with the ADC (~3 us rise time). I would like to trip a comparator when the pulse starts to rise and then start an ...

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icecats by Associate
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Firmware Update via UART boot commands

Hi guys, I have a nucleo-l073rz and am developing software for it with iar ewarm. So far everything is working well (programming and flashing via the st-link programmer). In the future, however, I would like to do firmware updates via the serial inte...

Resolved! STM32H747 evaluation board I2C

Hi!I'm having some troubles in configuring the I2C bus on my STM32H747 evaluation board.I've configured it in CubeMX as in the image below, using DMA buffer (rx and tx). Gpio pins are configured as open drain (no pull) and hardware is ok.It seems lik...

Sunshine by Associate
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