STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32f4 STOP mode with FreeRTOS problem

I am working on freeRTOS CMSIS V1 on a project. I am using STOP mode to reduce the power consumption (since the device I am making is battery driven). When entering the STOP mode, I noticed that freeRTOS task is still running at the background on a s...

TALHA by Associate II
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Systick woes with FreeRTOS

Using STM32CubeIDE 1.12.1 on a Nucleo G0B1RE. FreeRTOS 10.3 middleware. When I make the SYS timebase TIM6 then I don't get out of HAL_Init()0x1fff5bc6<signal handler called>() at 0xfffffff9__NVIC_EnableIRQ() at core_cm0plus.h:749HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(...

MMill.6 by Associate
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Hello,I am use Nucleo-F767ZI Board for TCP/IP Protocol in FreeRTOS. I try to ping my board but it not response.I Try TCP/IP without FreeRTOS it work well.What is difference between without RTOS & With RTOS ? If any Program for Nucleo-F767ZI please sh...

Rushit by Associate II
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LWIP on STMH563 (bare metal)

I'm about to start a new development based upon the new STMH563 device. I want to implement a simple ethernet interface (no RTOS) but am failing at the first hurdle...I'm using the Nucleo board and STM32CubeIDE. I've created a project for the Nucleo ...

ethernet interrupt not working

I send an ethernet packet to MAC address 00:80:E1:00:00:00 but no interrupt occurs in STMEnabled Ethernet interrupts in CubeMX.What could be wrong?Code:/* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ***************************************************************...

root437 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743BI bootloader saves data to RAM.

hi my software programmer is trying to set DMA on RAM, he passed the start address of the DMA RAM buffer from 0x20000000 to 0x20004100 and we got the error in the attached picture.he said that the LINKER of the CODE demands to define the pointers to ...

ZSade.1 by Associate II
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