STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32H745XIH6 SD Card communication issue

Hello,We are using the  Part#STM32H745XIH6 in our current product and it is going to be use in production.We are very near to release the product but at last we are facing the issue in the SD Card communication and below are the details.At power ON, ...

ABora.4 by Associate III
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I2S in STMG030F6P6TR

So I am using STMG030F6P6TR to play raw audio stored in SPI flash using PT8211 DAC and LM4890S amplifier. I have stored 8 Bit unsigned mono RAW data in 8000HZ in spi flash, retrieved it and pushed the data into the DAC as follows:void playSong(uint16...

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Sh7va by Associate
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i have compiled opus lib on H5. but i can not decode data. this is my init function and works fine.   DecConfigOpus.channels = 2; DecConfigOpus.ms_frame = 20; DecConfigOpus.sample_freq = 48000; uint32_t dec_size = DEC_Opus_getMemorySize(&DecC...

nimaltd by Senior
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STM32H7A3ZITQ_LQFP144 QSPI Timeout Issue

 Hello,I am using the STM32H7A3ZITQ and have encountered an issue while controlling the MT25QL128ABA1ESESF0IT flash memory during the flash read process. I am operating in QSPI mode. During extended aging evaluations, a 5-second timeout (a busy flag ...

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khkim by Associate II
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FOTA in stm32l4

Hello,I wanted to know some suggestion regarding a project, and adding FOTA support in it.The project is stm32l4 based and it configures the gsm module as a server and one can make request and get response using http protocol.I wanted to update the f...