STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

SPI DMA request triggered by Timer-compare

Hallo everyone,As engineer who started to explore the world of MCU's years after my retirement, I regularly encounter problems that puzzle me for some time. However, since I'm stuck for several days now, I decided to ask for assistance by this forum....

FredS by Senior
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HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback in DMA mode?

Is it possible to make HAL_ADCEx_EndOfSamplingCallback fire when ADC is running in the dual mode with DMA .More specifically: On a NUCLEO-H723ZG, the ADC is started by HAL_ADCEx_MultiModeStart_DMA() and ADC2 is a slave to ADC1. The ADC conversion is ...

pimaty by Associate
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Possible shortcoming in HAL SD library

Been trying to get an test application working on a STM32F469NIH Discovery board.Should be fairly simple - Write a file to the SD Card, with FatFS, the read back:Try as I might, I couldn't get things working.After a bit of debugging, I think the issu...

MClar.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! BLE - Configuration B-L4S5I-IOT01A board

Dear Team,    I need your help for configuring BLE on B-L4S5I-IOT01A board. I got some example BLE in B-L475I-IOT01A.But it is different from that board could you please help me to configure and use Bluetooth via .ioc file.

M_Sukumar by Associate III
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Boot up STM32L031xx from System Memory

The motive is to upgrade the firmware of STM32L031xx using the system bootloader. I am facing 2 issues majorly.1. For this I need to go to boot mode and boot from system memory as per my understanding. STM32L031K6T6 is follows pattern 2 for which the...


Resolved! Re: USB HOST cannot parse the last EndPoint

Dear A.Ziru,Apparently I'm having the same problem as you when trying to receive MIDI data from a USB device (in this case it's a guitar multi-effects pedalboard). How did you solve the problem? Where and how did you defined that MIDI class descripto...

moreto by Associate II
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Bare metal USB HID

Hello,I am trying to implement a USB HID keyboard on an STM32F042 without HAL or LL, just simple register defs. I took an example code generated in CubeIDE with HAL and a few other examples. I extended the example with HAL to also implement the LEDs ...

Resolved! Unable to get DMA transfer complete to trigger

I'm using TIM1 to write a DMA buffer to the built-in LED. I'm trying to get the Transfer Complete callback to trigger. I've tried setting hdma->XferCpltCallback to a function. I suspect there is an interrupt enable flag I need to set and probably cle...

mleo2 by Associate III
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