STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F105/7 USB MSD - STM32CubeMX

Posted on September 02, 2015 at 13:40I have generated code, using STM32CubeMX,  to operate and show up as a MSD on my windows computer - HOWEVER,  when I connect my device to the computer I can not see the device - instead it shows up in the Univers...

I2C EEPROM Memory accessing

Posted on March 19, 2015 at 13:09 Hello, I am using STM32F0 HAL Drivers to access external EEPROM 24C64 with STM32F The functions I am using areHAL_I2C_Mem_Write/Read but the communication is not always successful. Also it worked while using smd...

USB Printer Class: Cannot print

Posted on August 31, 2015 at 15:31Hello to all,I'm trying to implement a printer class for the USB. Currently I'm using the STM32F4 Discovery.I already have working the detection of the printer (EPSON CX5600) , reading the ID, etc.What I cant make w...

fb2 by Associate II
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STM32f407 isoc transfer was reduced

Posted on August 02, 2015 at 13:43Hello all! I use STM32F4Discovery (embedded code based on HAL v1.6.0) paired with libusbk. To switch on/off the isochronous IN transfer over EP2 i send commands (control transfer) to EP0. The maximum size of EP2 pac...

USB CDC - Issue with size buffer in EP0 OUT

Posted on August 28, 2015 at 17:09Hello everybody,I'm using USB CDC in my project with STM32L151CC, and I got little issue with the USB Library.I know that the MAX SIZE of EP0 buffer to transmission is 64 bytes.In my debugs, I could send 1 byte, 2 b...

uilter by Senior
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