2017-07-20 3:19 AM
Anyone can provide an example of STM32F437 FreeRTOS + LwIP UDP stream that no loose ethernet packets.
I've tried different implementation but, analyzing the ethernet packets, sometimes one packet is lost.
This is my implementation
void UDP_Send_Task(void const * argument)
{ err_t error; struct ip4_addr Sendtoipaddr; for (;;) { switch (Eth_MPX_Send_SM) { case CREATE_CONNECTION: IP4_ADDR(&Sendtoipaddr, 192, 168, 10, 124);conn= udp_new();
error = udp_bind(conn, IP_ADDR_ANY, 1234); if (error == ERR_OK) { PayloadCounter=0; Eth_MPX_Send_SM= SEND_PCKTS;//start to send pkcts //vTaskSuspend(NULL); } break; case SEND_PCKTS: //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED5_GPIO_Port, LED5_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET); buf = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT,sizeof(SendBuff),PBUF_REF); for (i=0; i<32; i=i+2) { SendBuff[i]= (PayloadCounter >>8)& 0xFF; SendBuff[i+1]= (uint8_t)PayloadCounter & 0xFF; PayloadCounter ++; } buf->payload = SendBuff; //memcpy (buf->payload, gbuf.mpx.buf, sizeof(gbuf.mpx.buf)); TempBuf = buf->payload; First= ((uint16_t)TempBuf[0] <<8) | TempBuf[1]; if (First != (Last+1)) { ErrCount++; } Last= ((uint16_t)TempBuf[1022]<<8) | (uint16_t)TempBuf[1023]; error= udp_sendto(conn, buf, &Sendtoipaddr, 1234); if (error != ERR_OK) { NetErr++; } //netbuf_free(buf); pbuf_free(buf); //De-allocate packet buffer vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(1)); //NetDataAvailable =FALSE; //HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LED5_GPIO_Port, LED5_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET); //vTaskSuspend(NULL); break; } } }Thanks
#example #udp-test-tool #lwip #stm32f4 #udp #streaming