2016-09-14 5:53 AM
Hi, everybody!
SD 2Gb connected by SDIO to stm32F407. FatFs. f_mount(), f_open(), f_write(), f_close() work well. But f_mkdir(''DR'') creates failed directory. Its name - ''DR. 1'', and if i try to open it, the message -''you try to get to inaccessible place''(my free translation)-appears. Please help. #sdio #sd #stm32 #fatfs2016-09-14 7:30 AM
I suggest you start with ''FatFs_uSD'' example working with SD-Card for your board within package:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\FatFs\FatFs_uSDThis example provides a description on how to use STM32Cube firmware with FatFs and to develop an application exploiting FatFs offred features with microSD drive configuration.You can compare your generated code with this provided application, get that working, then copy or merge the functions you need.This user manual “Developing Applications on STM32Cube with FatFs� provides a description of how to use the STM32Cube firmware components with a generic FAT File System (FatFs).Regards2017-07-18 11:02 PM
I am having the same problem. did you find a solution for this problem? f_mkfs doesnt work either.