STM32H735IGT6 equivalent Nucleo Board
Which NUCLEO board is suitable for STM32H735IGT6 microcontroller.
Which NUCLEO board is suitable for STM32H735IGT6 microcontroller.
Hello,I am attempting to run a p2pServer_Ext sample application on my Nucleo WBA52CG board. Currently, I have a heart rate sensor application running on the same board. However, when I try to flash the new p2pServer_Ext application, I encounter an e...
I am designing a custom board with an STM32H503CBT6, but after supplying 3.3V power, the chip heats up. I think it might be due to the power supply, so I have shared the schematic here. Please help me.
Hello everyoneI am using NUCLEO-H563ZI as master I2C, and STM32F412G-DISCO board as slave I2C, which should mimic temperature sensor TMP117.I am trying to send from master to slave a register number to read from, but the rx callback in the slave does...
Hello, i am trying to configure the on-board TFT-LCD on STM32F429-Disc0 board and i want to do it without using HAL drivers, every tutorial on youtube or other platforms i see, are using CubeMX or HAL or both. I understand we need SPI5 to configure t...
How to debug or run both cores (Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7) simultaneously on an STM32H747I board using STM32CubeIDE? What are the specific steps and configurations needed to initiate and synchronize the debug sessions of both cores?
Are there plans to add support for the STLink V3-PWR to OpenOCD? At present, the USB device interface appears not to be supported (using the latest openocd snapshot). STLink V3-MINIE works fine with openocd. For the V3-PWR, see the error (boldface ...
Will my gpio pin gets effected if I give a voltage of 4v because my board Is not working it is getting heated once i connect the supply through usb.
I am trying to implement a data transfer using UART on the STM32F7508-DK, but cannot get it to work. I have been trying for the minimal example from the step-by-step instructions
I'm trying to find the firmware package for the STM32F7508-DK as referred to in the manual (UM2052) under 2.3. ( it no longer available since it's decontinued? Does anyone have a co...