2024-11-11 9:37 AM
I have followed this exactly...
I am using STM32CubeIDE V1.16.1 with a NUCLEO-H723ZG board.
There are no errors or warnings.
The code runns and I get...
SNTP Client
NUCLEO-H723ZG board
State: Ethernet Initialization ...
State: Looking for DHCP server ...
DHCP Timeout !!
Static IP address:
There is no red error light etc..
Can anyone help or perhaps B.Montanari ST Employee, (the author) etc. ?\
2024-11-11 9:49 AM
@BFlin.1 wrote:State: Looking for DHCP server ...
DHCP Timeout !!
So do you have a DHCP server on the network?
2024-11-11 10:12 AM
Hello @BFlin.1 ,
Check your static IP address configurations. Make sure to enable the CPU DCache.
You can try this Nx_SNTP_Client example available in GitHub page and get inspired from this example to use it with Nucleo-H723ZG by following the instructions in the readme file.
2024-11-12 5:39 AM
C:\Windows\SysWOW64>ipconfig /all | find /i "DHCP Server"
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
2024-11-12 5:49 AM
2024-11-12 5:55 AM
That's the DHCP server that your PC is using.
What about your STM32 ?
2024-11-12 6:08 AM
So what's your setup, direct connection STM32 ETH to PC ethernet port?
As Andrew says, your STM32 cannot simply connect to some DHCP server via your PC.
Maybe you can find a PC app, or maybe your switch has a DHCP server function?
2024-11-13 7:23 AM
<So what's your setup, direct connection STM32 ETH to PC ethernet port?>
No, I am using straight cable to switch that goes to internet router.
2024-11-14 3:31 AM
Then check if your router has a DHCP server that can be activated.