ST-Link V1 support
Is it in plan to make a support of st-link v1 in future?Thanks!
Is it in plan to make a support of st-link v1 in future?Thanks!
I am currently porting klipper ( to stm32f070. It's not a terribly heavy lift considering stm32f042 is currently supported. It currently works great, but only with the stlink connected. If I unplug the STLin...
Hey guys,i'm currently struggeling with the STM32 CLI to programm my MCU.For my (old) STM32F103 i did setup a script wich worked nicely. Going through the documentation a came uo withST-LINK_CLI.exe -c SN=xxxxxx SWD UR -TVolt -ME -P ../my_firmware.he...
KiCAD library for STM32F769I Discovery boards needed. I need a KiCAD library to use with the STM32F769I discovery boards so the discovery board can essentially be a component in my project. The plan is to have a daughter board exactly the same size a...
Hi guys, I want to build my own Microcontroller development board from scratch, as I was checking the data sheet for the STM32F103C8T6 and STM32405RGT6 processors, there were 2 crystals specified on the data sheet. But when I look at tutorials online...
I have a PCB design for STM32F446RE, but after I soldered all the decouple capacitors, the BOOT0 pull down and the MCU, I tried to power it and connect with ST-LINK v2. But the MCU keeps heating and I can't connect. I've searched many times for short...
My stlink-v3set stop give voltage 3.3v from adapter board MB1440B. Found out that LDO regulator U1 is broken. What a chip installed there?
1. Background infoI'm designing a board for an STM32F767ZI microcontroller. This microcontroller has a primary oscillator for the `SYSCLK` (overall system clock) and a secondary oscillator for the `RTCCLK` (real-time clock).I selected the following c...
I wish to migrate from using ST Link V2 to ST Link V3. I have noticed that while V2 connector had TRST and NRST signals, V3 only has NRST. Will this have any negative effect ? What should I do with unconnected TRST MCU pin ? Has anyone used the STDC...
Hello! Bought Stlink-v3set. Why it supports only 5 breakpoints? It's not depends from mcu. Try on stm32f103rct6 and stm32f407 - just 5 breakpoints. Try use CubeIDE and Keil uVision - only 5 breakpoints.