Distributors and availability of STLINK-V3MODS module
Hi, i'm interesting in STLINK-V3MODS but i can't find any distributor on the web. Is this module available? Someon kwons if STLINK-V3MINI has the flat cable connector soldered?
Hi, i'm interesting in STLINK-V3MODS but i can't find any distributor on the web. Is this module available? Someon kwons if STLINK-V3MINI has the flat cable connector soldered?
Currently using STM32CubeIDE version 1.1.0Cannot see ULINKpro in the dropdown list within the debugger configuration tab.It has ST-LINK (ST-LINK GDB Server), Segger Jlink, ST-LINK (OpenOCD)uProcessor targeted is STM32F407
Where is a hardware design guide / minimal recommended connections for STM32H753VIT6?I am new to ST MCUs but ST's competitors generally have a chapter in the datasheet or an application note on this subject.Thank you
Hi,I just bought a stlinkv-3set programmer / debugger.I currently use Eclipse IDE together with texane / st-link and openocd.I've always worked with the discovery boards (F051 and F746G) without any problems. They use the stlinkV2 or V2.1 protocol an...
Hello,I have problems with custom designed board. After soldering everything(w/o IC1,IC3) I flashed my firmware. USB device completely unrecognized.I have soldered 1k5 resistor on 3V3 and D+. After connecting to computer I was able to see serial outp...
There is an error in UM2408 regarding the connections for LD1.In section "6.6 LEDs", it currently reads:User LD1: a green user LED is connected to the STM32H7 I/O PB0 (SB39 ON and SB47OFF) or PA5 (SB65 ON and SB54 OFF) corresponding to the ST Zio D13...
Hi!I need a small size Nucleo board that can handle datatype double. I have seen that Nucleo 144 can handle doubles, but can Nucleo 64 boards handle datatype double as well? Double precision FPU to be precise.
Hello all,i have a problem with my first design of a touch button and a slider on a 4layer pcb (top-layer2-layer1-bottom) using a STM32L162 with its peripheralTouch sensing. As you can see from the image i have design the button and the slider with a...
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 VirtualBox on MacOS with STM32G484QE-EVAL baord. While switching to STM32CubeIDE 1.1.0, the debug tool will ask to upgrade the STLINK V3 firmware. Clicking the upgrade button and "STLinkUpgrade 3.3.0" will start. Click "Open i...
Hi, every one, I am new in STM32. Recently, i got 2 STM32L4R9I - Disco. the first one work perfectly fine. as i plug the STLink to connect the first one to the Laptop. it works and the connection also appear on Device manager. i can load and debug th...