Resolved! Where is the schematics and parts list of H750 discovery board
I want to copy ethernet part of the STM32H750 Discovery board. But I could not find the Schematics. And what is the manufacturer's type of the ethernet connector?
I want to copy ethernet part of the STM32H750 Discovery board. But I could not find the Schematics. And what is the manufacturer's type of the ethernet connector?
I use STM32F407VE and STLINK V2.But the error belows."Failure at line6 'Target Software Startup Scripts'.Please edit the debug configulation settings.Error finshing flash operation."Can you replay my email? /
HelloWe bought a standard test board for stm32g0 micro , from China and we are testing it.The vcc and vss are connected properly and .First boot0 pin is in program mode and then is run mode .The reset button is on the same board and it connects the n...
Hi,I am working with STM32F103 and STM32F072. The first one (103) works very well without any problem. The second one (072) does not work.I'm using the stlinkv2, connected via SWD to my board (schematic is correct). BOOT0 pin is tied to gnd with a re...
Using a STM32L0538-DISCO as the host for a production programmer/tester for a small STM32-based device. Production floor has no place for a PC+STM32Link! In part I chose this board because it already has dedicated SWCLK/SWDIO interface...but I'm no...
I am working with the STM32F405 microcontroller and I used ST-Link Utility to enable write protection on sectors 10 and 11 and after that I can no longer connect to it. Does anybody have any advice on how I can solve this?
I after removing the SB's and jumpers I have attached the NUCLEO board to the LP01A. Of course, this completely detached the STLINK embedded on the Nucleo board. I would like to continue debugging while on the board. I see the SWD signals are on CN7/...
Hello,i made custom board for STM32F031F6P6 chip, made few prototypes and flashed 5 prototypes with no problem. Then the current STM32 shortage hit my suppliers so i switched to STM32L031F6P6 on same board. I checked the datasheet and pinout and it l...
I designed a pcb with STM32F411RE and a couple of sensors. Before, and after mounting components on the PCB, I checked the Vcc and GND pins for short circuit and I did not see any problem. I am using SWD programming and I connected my ST-Link V2 to m...
So I'm using an STM32F103C8T6 board and it was working fine a few days ago but then tried to load a code with keil vision compiler these days and it showed this message STLINK Error(DEV_TARGET_HELD_UNDER_RESET). After that using the STM32CubeProgramm...