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Hi,Is there a way to program STM32U585 MCU via USART1 peripheral using Embedded Linux processor? Except BOOT0 pin and RESET pin of U5 MCU what else need to be done to get into Serial Programming mode? Thanks in advance,Nenad
Hi,I'm interested in hardware connection of STM32U5 and Smart card. They can be connected directly or there need to be Smartcard Interface circuit between (like ST8024)?Thanks in advance,Nenad
Is it possible to turn off SMPS in ST​M32U585AII6Q and not to use external inductors and capacitors needed for SMPS?Thanks in advance,Nenad​
Hi,I'm interested how to change CPU frequency from 650MHz to lower frequency. I looked those two links:
Is there a way to increase code size which is used on M4 MCU? I saw some memory regions in device tree, but it is not clear how to do a change. Any info will be appreciated.Best regards,Nenad
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