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Trying to program an external application using NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P


Hi! I am trying to use a NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P to program an external application. I have my target board and the .bin file I want to use.

I've broken the nucleo to separe the ST-Link part from the MCU. But when I connect the ST-Link part to my PC (by USB), the NUCLEO-L4R5ZI-P folder appears, and there are 3 files, one of them is a FAIL.txt, so I can not copy the .bin file to program my target board since a storage error message appears.

I've removed the 2 jumpers from CN4 and connected my J-TAG wire to CN5 pins and to my target board as the user manual explains in 5.4.4. (

Why am I not able to copy the .bin successfully?

Lead III

Is your target board based on L4P5?

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