2022-02-06 10:45 PM
In the past I have successfully been using an inexpensive USB ST Link V2 clone without any problems at all.
In my current project I need to use the SDW for dumping debugging information to the console.
I purchased the official ST Link V2 from mouser but I cannot get simple SWD to work at all.
The PC can detect it and I can update its firmware but it will not detect target projects/boards no matter what I do.
I have tried many different configurations in ST-LINK Utility and STM32CubeIDE without success.
Is there anything I can try? Am I missing something?
2022-02-07 1:32 AM
Hello @SWhit.7,
What STM32 are you using?
Did you already program your MCU ? If yes, is it with low power mode?
Did you try with STM32cube programmer ?
2022-02-07 1:49 AM
One common pitfall: For the STLink-V2-clones VDD is an output, and this pin can actually supply a target with some external circuits. Whereas for the original STLink-V2 VDD is an input used to set the proper thresholds for the level shifters. So the target must be supplied externally and STLink's VDD input connected to target's VDD.
2022-02-07 2:27 AM
Pin 1 needs to be powered from the target
2022-02-07 6:55 PM
Try with cube programmer, clone or wrong swd pins cabling or no powered mcu are possible causes.