STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Substituted STM32H730VB for STM32H750VB on PCB due to chip shortage. 750 does not enter bootloader due to pin PB15. Is there a fix for it?

We were using STM32H730VB to drive a LED display in our project. Pins 51 - 64 drive the LED display, Pin 30 controls the display power, and pins 24 - 25 act as the USART. We use CubeProgrammer to download the firmware.This worked well and with no is...

g.roy619 by Associate II
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Generate a 'released' version

OK, OK, OK, this is a REALLY dumb question but for the life of me I cannot find out WHERE you turn your hard-earned project with all its bells and whistles into a RELEASED file to download into the proc??!!??I know this will come back as an easy thin...

SScot.3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F7 microsecond delay problem

Hi,I am using STM32F746NG discovery board. I try to setup 60 micro second delay. With ST-Link debugger, the 60micro second delay is fine. But when I cycle the power, the firmware does not run.When I comment out the delay function DWT_Delay_us(), firm...

JChen.24 by Associate III
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How do I have to configure the standard debug PINS (PA13 and PA14) on STM32F030F4P6 if I want to use them as GPIO output?

Currently I only set the MODER register to 0 and set the outputs to 0 with the BRR register since I don't need further configurations. I allready use other PINs with the same configuration and they work. I read that this should work, but on my HW it ...

PCana.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Does STM32L462RE have EEPROM? In the card that comes with the board says it does, however I can't find anything in the datasheet, nor on the website or the Hal driver files.

In the card that comes with the board says it has 16 Kbytes of EEPROM. Here is the link from the website (can't find anything about EEPROM): can't find anything about EEPROM ...

SPere.2 by Associate III
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