STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

SDRAM doesnt work properly

Hi.Im using IS42S16400J SDram.It was working fine when i first mounted it(its my own pcb design).But there was some problem with the i2c pins so i had do unmount the stm32h745 and mount it again.Now with the same code the sdram is not working fine.Th...

I have bought new stm32l562E-DK board recently, I have written embedded rust code to blink an led. the compilation is proper binary file generated. When I Flash it is showing this error. Please help me out.

sarathk@sarath:~/Desktop/project/open_s_projects/rust_projects/stm32l/led_blink$ probe-run target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/led_blink --chip stm32l562qeixqError: Error while flashingCaused by:   0: Something during the interaction with the core wen...

bsara.1 by Associate II
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STM32 PCB Design

Hi,I am trying to create the PCB design of Nucleo32, the small one, I have created the prototype, where I have interfaced few sensors with it and now I want to design the final PCB, to give it a product shape, so my point is can I get the PCB design ...

AJame.4 by Associate
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