I am using stm32 G070RB board, and i want to look on the board schematic.However , there are 3 schematics. They look the same, can somebody can tell me which one is most suitable?
Hello,I'm working on STM32CubeIDE with STM32F103CF8T6 and st-link.I have a python script on my computer sending data to the stm32 trough com port. Everythings works fine when I run it, but when I run it in debug mode, I cannot acces to the com port a...
earlier using st-link for debugging that time it was not showing anything on the display and the blacklight was also not flowing then using stlink utility flashed the board, now not is been detected so please me regarding this
Dear STMicroelectronics,The attached file is a product circuit diagram applying STM32F401VET6 as the main CPU.As for the inquiry, there is a problem that the CPU standard output HIGH signal drops to LOW signal at a specific PORT when performing ESD t...
I have STM32H7A3ZITXQ_RAM.ld in NUCLEO-STM32H7A3 Board.I need to know what is the procedure to download and run project from Internal SRAM completely of STM32H7A3 Nucleo(144)Board.I built Base Default Nucleo-H7A3 STM32 Board .ioc Project in STM32Cub...
Hello,usually I have Nucleo's that I work with, but I also have an older Clone that I purchased a long time ago when the genuine ones were not available.I noticed that after a firmware-update within STM32CubeIDE 1.10.1 the Serialnumber is "odd" and i...
Hi,I have noticed the following problems while building an app (permanent data capture via ST-LINK) with the STM32CubeProgrammer API (v 2.12.0):1. int readMemory() functionThe description is very scarce and a bit confusing. The parameter data is defi...
Dear Sir.Attached a code of SystemClock_Config();void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0}; RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0}; /** Configure the main internal regulator output voltage */ if (...