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Issue in reading data from events for step count, tilt detection, sign motion detection


Iam working with LSM6DSOX sensor and now i could able to integrade linux driver with embedded functions developed by st (link : Icould able to integrate and probe the device using i2c and enabled interrupts aldo in i2c node for LSM6DSOX and after enabling interrupts i got few directories like scan elements and buffer which has certain enable things. Here is what im getting in iio device directories. Screenshot from 2023-07-10 12-29-39.png

here is what i added under i2c node for the sensor:

    motion: lsm6dsox@6b {
                compatible = "st,lsm6dsox";
                reg = <0x6b>;
                interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
                interrupts = <0 0x00000004>;
                st,int-pin = <1>;
                st,mlc-int-pin = <2>;
                vddio-supply = <&ldo4_reg>;
                vdd-supply = <&ldo4_reg>;
                mount-matrix = "1", "0", "0",
                       "0", "1", "0",
                       "0", "0", "1";

I got no error in compiling the dtb and transferred it to beagle bone and in beaglebone I'm using gpio0 7 for interrupt pin. Even now iam unable to read data. Even i checked interrupts its not increasing in count with sensor movement Here is the proof  

Screenshot from 2023-07-10 12-45-23.png



Can some one please help me out how and where to read data from(which directory)? Is there any issue in adding node so might it be creating no interrupt signal? Can You also elaborate how even based system works in linux and any reference for how we can create events to read data?

Thanks in advance

I did try enabling interrupts and enabled every enable function present in directories but not getting output. Im expecting clear roadmap of how and where to read data from and how event based system works with interrupts


Can i get reply please